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Yes, there’s an experimental port of Android Lollipop for the Raspberry Pi 2, but no, it does not work yet, and development activity seems to have stopped for now.“But members of the Raspberry Pi foundation put a damper on this expectation directly in their Android forums by closing some Android related threads, and stating the mobile operating system does not bring anything to the educational goal of the Raspberry Pi.”http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=99575
ENFiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ! SoC – Broadcom BCM2836 quad core Cortex A7 processor @ 900MHz with VideoCore IV GPU System Memory – 1GB SDRAM (PoP) Storage – micro SD card slot (push release type) Video & Audio Output – HDMI and AV via 3.5mm jack. Connectivity – 10/100M Ethernet USB – 4x USB 2.0 ports, 1x micro USB for power Expansion 2×20 pin header for GPIOs Camera header Display header Power – 5V via micro USB port.Pour le même prix que l'ancien !http://www.minimachines.net/actu/et-voici-la-raspberry-pi-2-un-quad-coeur-pour-le-meme-prix-26068Windows10 pour le RaspberryPi2 WTF ? : http://dev.windows.com/en-us/featured/raspberrypi2supportTest et benchmark ici :https://learn.adafruit.com/introducing-the-raspberry-pi-2-model-b?view=allhttp://raspi.tv/2015/raspberry-pi2-power-and-performance-measurementhttp://www.techradar.com/us/reviews/pc-mac/peripherals/raspberry-pi-2-1283369/review?src=rss&attr=alltest en web vs pi 1http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Raspberry-Pi-2-Web-Speedhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xq0u_1MO8qE#t=173 ( Kodi (xbmc) Openelec 5.0.1 avec le Rasp 2 )Dispo ici :http://kubii.fr/507-nouveau-raspberry-pi-2-modele-b-1gb.html