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75 résultats
"System Requirements Notebook PC with an available ExpressCard slot or PCI Express mini card slot or PCI Express slot."mmmm à voir
Quad Core Cortex A5 + 1Go DDR3 + Gigabit Ethernet il y a même un test sur l'article :http://www.hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php?g_code=G141578608433&tab_idx=1Does it play 1080p contents well on Ubuntu Linux?Yes, H.264/VC1/MPEG4/MPEG2 videos clips have no issue with the XBMC/KODI in most cases.H.265 will be supported soon.Is full source code open and can I build it by myself?Yes. Boot loader, Kernel and OS platform source code is available.But the GPU user-land drivers are library(binary) format. (Limited by ARM's policy)
C’est une puce d’architecture MIPSreste à voir si la société fournira les sources du GPU PowerVR SG540
GTX 980
33€ dual core, sata, etc...