30670 shaares
9 résultats
pv est un outil qui permet d’avoir en temps réel l’état d’avancement d’une tache ou d’un flux de données ( https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/pv.1.html ).
MySQL 8.0 is a very significant update over the MySQL 5.7 series. MySQL 8.0 features a transactional data dictionary, a new document store with NoSQL support, and up to twice as fast MySQL database performance compared to version 5.7.
MySQL 8.0 also delivers on improved JSON support, OpenSSL as the default TLS/SSL library, up to 30x faster performance schema, up to 100x faster information schema, better replication and cluster support, greater reliability, and much more.
MySQL 8.0 also delivers on improved JSON support, OpenSSL as the default TLS/SSL library, up to 30x faster performance schema, up to 100x faster information schema, better replication and cluster support, greater reliability, and much more.
Un client SQL multi-bases de données (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle...)
la firme annonce une solution de migration d'Oracle vers SQL Server, qui inclut des licences gratuites.
(pas lu car trop de news)
20 pagesDétecter les Backdoor PHP :http://forum.malekal.com/detecter-les-backdoor-php-t51402.htmlpas lu mais ces articles pourront peut être servir un jour (via sebsauvage)