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Another big change with today's Raspberry Pi OS upgrade is making use of PipeWire by default for audio handling.
Some other big items with this new version include a Raspberry Pi optimized version of the Mozilla Firefox browser,
networking enhancements,
and various other changes.
Another big change with today's Raspberry Pi OS upgrade is making use of PipeWire by default for audio handling.
Some other big items with this new version include a Raspberry Pi optimized version of the Mozilla Firefox browser,
networking enhancements,
and various other changes.
j'ai bien envie de mettre à jour les RPI ^^ :p (pas celui de l'étable par contre)
This version of the desktop is based on Debian Jessie(8).
Some of you will be aware that a new stable version of Debian (called Stretch)
was released last week.
Rest assured – we have been working on porting everything across to Stretch for some time now, and we will have a Stretch release ready some time over the summer.
Some of you will be aware that a new stable version of Debian (called Stretch)
was released last week.
Rest assured – we have been working on porting everything across to Stretch for some time now, and we will have a Stretch release ready some time over the summer.
RealVNC et Chromium sont désormais intégrés par défaut.
Une nouvelle interface
l'intégration du navigateur Chromium. Il prend en charge l'accélération matérielle du Raspberry Pi et devrait fonctionner correctement sur les versions 2 et 3
Une nouvelle interface
l'intégration du navigateur Chromium. Il prend en charge l'accélération matérielle du Raspberry Pi et devrait fonctionner correctement sur les versions 2 et 3
Highlights of this Raspbian OS update include:
- A custom Bluetooth plugin for the LXDE panel to make it easy to manage Bluetooth devices on the Pi 3, since none of the existing plugins were deemed effective for Raspbian purposes. ( It removes the need to use sudo in programs which want to access the GPIOs )
- Bluetooth audio is now supported.
- There is a SD card copier GUI program to make backups easier.
- The pigpio library was added for making it easier to deal with the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins from C, Python, and other programming languages.
- The Geany text editor is now bundled with Raspbian.
- Various other application updates.
- The used kernel is now derived from Linux 4.4.
- Other tweaks and fixes.
When flashing a new Raspbian image, the file system will automatically be expanded to use all the space on the card when it is first booted.
SAUF qu'on est en Debian Wheezy (7) et non Jessie (8) ...
- A custom Bluetooth plugin for the LXDE panel to make it easy to manage Bluetooth devices on the Pi 3, since none of the existing plugins were deemed effective for Raspbian purposes. ( It removes the need to use sudo in programs which want to access the GPIOs )
- Bluetooth audio is now supported.
- There is a SD card copier GUI program to make backups easier.
- The pigpio library was added for making it easier to deal with the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins from C, Python, and other programming languages.
- The Geany text editor is now bundled with Raspbian.
- Various other application updates.
- The used kernel is now derived from Linux 4.4.
- Other tweaks and fixes.
When flashing a new Raspbian image, the file system will automatically be expanded to use all the space on the card when it is first booted.
SAUF qu'on est en Debian Wheezy (7) et non Jessie (8) ...
Raspbian Now Ships With Experimental Support For The New VC4 OpenGL Driver
c'est un peu plus clair ici :
en fr :
c'est un peu plus clair ici :
en fr :
Enfin dispo, ça sera peut être plus stable ...
déjà téléchargé ici :
\\EMERICBONPC\ISO Linux et autres\RaspBerryPi2\Debian
Accès aux ports du GPIO sans passer par sudo
Amélioration de l’interface utilisateur, y compris le remplacement de raspi-config par une version graphique qui devrait rassurer les débutants.
Deux nouveaux environnements de programmation Java
L’installation en standard de LibreOffice (pour le meilleur et pour le pire 😉 )
(on peut mettre à jour depuis Wheezy mais bon mieux vaut sauvegarder avant)
déjà téléchargé ici :
\\EMERICBONPC\ISO Linux et autres\RaspBerryPi2\Debian
Accès aux ports du GPIO sans passer par sudo
Amélioration de l’interface utilisateur, y compris le remplacement de raspi-config par une version graphique qui devrait rassurer les débutants.
Deux nouveaux environnements de programmation Java
L’installation en standard de LibreOffice (pour le meilleur et pour le pire 😉 )
(on peut mettre à jour depuis Wheezy mais bon mieux vaut sauvegarder avant)
http://www.raspberrypi.org/merry-christmas-got-a-new-pi/J'ai mi à jour le RaspBerryPi.2014-12-24: * Fix regression with omission of python-pygame2014-12-22: * New firmware with variosu fixes and improvements * New UI configuration for lxde * Various package updates * python3-pygame preinstalled * 'nuscratch', scratch running on the Cog StackVM * Misc other changes